Tuesday, April 7, 2015
What Is Disinformation?
Disinformation entered om a search engine like ixquick will yield at least 10,499,009 matching results! Wikipedia says it is "black propaganda" and false or inaccurate information spread deliberately (to misinform). It differs from misinformation in that it is written deliberately to deceive. It appears to be a universal human quality utilized in or by inhabitants of any and all of over 200 countries on Earth. Certain groups appear to be more than willing to fool others.
Disinformation entered om a search engine like ixquick will yield at least 10,499,009 matching results! Wikipedia says it is "black propaganda" and false or inaccurate information spread deliberately (to misinform). It differs from misinformation in that it is written deliberately to deceive. It appears to be a universal human quality utilized in or by inhabitants of any and all of over 200 countries on Earth.
"The communists must be prepared to make every sacrifice and, if necessary, even resort to all sorts of cunning schemes and stratagems, to employ illegal methods, to evade and conceal the truth.
.... The practical part of communist policy is to incite one [enemy] against another.
.... We communists must use one country against another.
My words were calculated to evoke hatred, aversion, and contempt.....not to convince but to break up the ranks of the opponent, not to correct an opponent's mistake but to destroy him, to wipe his organization off the face of the earth.
This formulation is indeed of such a nature as to evoke the worst thoughts, the worst suspicions about the opponent."---V. Lenin
According to:
The "contemporary Soviet concept of Dezinformatsiya, or disinformation, has evolved. The Russians define disinformation as 'the dissemination of false and provocative information.' As practiced by the KGB, disinformation is far more complex than the definition implies. It entails:
* the distribution of forged or fabricated documents, letters, manuscripts, and photographs;
* the propagation of misleading or malicious rumors and erroneous intelligence by agents;
* the duping of visitors to the Soviet Union; and
* physical acts committed for psychological effect"
Another authority was retired KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin on disinformation
CBS or is that See BS (Finally and inconspiculously) Corrects An Error After Twelve Years
.....The KGB also attacked the U.S. with disinformation that was calculated to damage the reputation of the country, important public officials and the American people. One of the charges they spread was that the U.S. military had created the AIDS virus and introduced it into Africa, where it was wreaking havoc. Christopher Maurice Andrew, PhD ,a historian at the University of Cambridge, said that in the first six months of 1987, this (bogus) story was reported on the front pages of newspapers in over 40 third-world countries.........on March 30, 1987, Dan Rather (later discredited for a phony document on George W. Bush) put the story on the CBS Evening News. Rather named as his source a Soviet military publication that attributed the story to "unnamed scientists in the United States, Britain and East Germany." Rather left the story hanging in that he did not report any U.S. reaction to this (contemptible) charge nor did he mention that five months earlier reporters at the U.S. State Department had been told all about this Soviet disinformation campaign.
This same lie worked itself into "black liberation theology" so that Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright,Jr. stated it in at least one of his spirited preaching sessions recorded in videos for sale at his church.
Rev. Wright said,"G** D*** America!" and "America's chickens have come home to roost!" after the news that nearly 3000 innocent people died in the Twin Towers on September 11,2001. All sorts of American people died yet Wright seemingly forgot to say a prayer for them but ranted on. He has tried to "explain away" what he said and didn't say...but the videos are all over youtube but occasionally shut down to pop up again.
POTUS Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]
Governing by Executive Fiat
1. Disregarded 1996 welfare reform law in granting broad work waivers for work requirements of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
2. Implemented portions of the DREAM Act, which Congress rejected, by executive action.
3. Ended some terror asylum restrictions, by allowing asylum for people who provided only “insignificant” or “limited” material support of terrorists.
4. Allowed immigrants in the U.S. illegally, who are relatives of military troops and veterans, to stay in the country and get legal status.
5. Extended federal marriage benefits by recognizing, under federal law, same-sex marriages created in a state that allows same-sex marriage even if the couple is living in a state that doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage.
6. Recognized same-sex marriage in Utah, even though the Supreme Court stayed the court order recognizing same-sex marriage in Utah and Utah said it would not recognize same-sex marriages performed before the stay.
7. Refused to prosecute violation of drug laws with certain mandatory minimums.
8. Issued signing statements, refusing to enforce parts of congressional-enacted statutes.
9. Illegally refused to act on Yucca Mountain’s application to become a nuclear waste repository.
10. • First POTUS to Lie About the Reason For an Ambassador's Death, choosing to ignore "the Basanova", blaming it on an Internet Video Rather Than What He Knew to be the Case: the Al Qaeda-linked Terror Group Ansar al-Sharia.
On October 10, 2012 Fox News State Department denied it ever concluded that the deadly consulate attack Sept. 11 in Libya was an unplanned outburst prompted by an anti-Islam movie, even though Susan Rice trotted out with the claim five days after the attack.(5)
11 Illegally revealed the existence of sealed indictments in the Benghazi investigation.
12. Failed to enforce the Magnitsky Act as required by law, by not adding Russian human rights abusers to a list of people not permitted to travel to or do business in the U.S.
13. Killed four Americans overseas in counterterrorism operations without judicial process.
14. Continued to give Egypt aid after the military took over its government, even though federal law prohibits aid to Egypt in the event of a coup.
15. Granted a “hardship” exemption from the individual mandate for people whose health plans were canceled because their plans weren’t Obamacare compliant.
16. Delayed the individual mandate for two years.
17. Allowed individuals to buy health insurance plans in 2014 that did not comply with Obamacare. Extended this delay until 2016—past the mid-term elections.
18. Extended the deadline to enroll in Obamacare.
19. Illegally granted businesses a waiver from Obamacare’s employer mandate. Twice.
20. Illegally continued the Obamacare employer contribution for congressional staffs.
21. Illegally delayed the Obamacare caps on out-of-pocket healthcare payments.
22. Illegally delayed Obamacare verification of eligibility for healthcare subsidies.
23. Illegally required people to violate their faith via the Obamacare contraception mandate.
24. As of May 2011, over 50% of Obamacare waiver beneficiaries were union members (who account for less than 12% of the American work force).
25. Ordered Boeing to fire 1,000 employees in South Carolina and shut down a new factory because it was non-union.
26. Implemented a moratorium on offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill without statutory authority, and continued to enact new versions after federal courts repeatedly invalidated the moratorium.
27. Treated secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors in the Chrysler bankruptcy.
28. Terminated the pensions of 20,000 non-union Delphi employees in the GM bankruptcy.
29. Had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property, on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India’s environmental laws—but no charges were filed.
30. Government agencies are engaging in “Operation Choke Point,” where the government asks banks to “choke off” access to financial services for customers engaging in conduct the Administration does not like—such as “ammunition sales.”
Executive Nominees and Personnel
31. Made illegal “recess” appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the National Labor Relations Board when Congress wasn’t in recess. Ignored the rulings of three federal courts of appeals that held those nominations unconstitutional.
32. Appointed czars to oversee federal policy specifically because czars do not require Senate confirmation, earning criticism from stalwart Democrats such as West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd and Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold.
33. As of January 2012, 36 of the President’s executive office staff owed $833,970 in back taxes.
34. As of 2011, 311,566 federal employees or retirees owed $3.5 billion in taxes.
Free Speech and Privacy
35. Illegally targeted conservative groups for heightened IRS scrutiny.
36. Circumvented the Freedom of Information Act, by requiring White House Counsel review of all documents to be released under the Freedom of Information Act that the Administration believed pertained to “White House equities”—and then delayed in producing many of these documents by FOIA’s statutory deadline, or didn’t produce them at all.
37. Got secret permission from the FISA Court to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency’s use of intercepted phone calls and emails, permitting the NSA to search American’s communications in its databases.
38. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking to monitor about 80% of U.S. credit card transactions.
39. Targeted Fox News reporter James Rosen by falsely labeling him a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a new leak.
40. Secretly obtained phone records from staff at the Associated Press.
41. Had meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near White House to avoid disclosure requirements.
Other Lawless Acts
42. Aided drug cartels instead of enforcing immigration laws—as found by a federal judge. Border Patrol agents, multiple times, knowingly helped smuggle illegal immigrant children into the U.S.; “the DHS is encouraging parents to seriously jeopardize the safety of their children.”
43. Illegally sold thousands of guns to criminals, in the operation known as Fast and Furious and then refused to comply with congressional subpoenas about the operation.
44. Dismissed charges filed by Bush Administration against New Black Panther Party members who were videotaped intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election.
45. Argued for expansive federal powers in the Supreme Court, which has rejected the Administration’s arguments unanimously 9 times since January 2012.
46. Sued Louisiana to stop school vouchers and keep low-income minorities trapped in failing schools.
47. Threatened to arrest military priests for practicing their faith during the partial government shutdown.
48. Muzzled the speech of military chaplains.
49. Sued fire departments saying their multiple-choice, open-book written employment tests were racially discriminatory.
50. Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth more than $46 million to aliens here illegally using the same address in Atlanta, GA.
Other Abuses of Power
51. Released a mentally ill Guantanamo detainee… who had been a high-risk al Qaeda fighter in jihad combat since the 1980s.
52. Backed release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.
53. President Obama told NASA administrator to “find a way to reach out to the Muslim world.”
54. Claimed the Fort Hood shooting was “workplace violence” rather than terrorism.
55. Signed a stimulus bill that spent money on bonuses for AIG executives, and then acted shocked and outraged at the bonuses.
56. Gave $535 million to Solyndra, which went bankrupt; Solyndra shareholders and officials made substantial donations to Obama’s campaign.
57. Reneged on a campaign promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term in office.
58. Increased the national debt more in one term than President Bush did in two terms.
59. Extended mortgage assistance to people who bought multiple homes during the housing bubble.
60. Proposed rules that would have decimated family farms, by prohibiting children under 18 from doing many forms of farm work.
61. Former “safe schools czar” has written about his past drug abuse and advocated promoting homosexuality in schools.
62. Nominated Timothy Geithner—who had significant tax issues —to head the Treasury Department, which enforces tax laws.
63. Reneged on campaign promise to broadcast healthcare reform negotiations on C-SPAN.
64. Reneged on a campaign promise to wait five days before signing any non-emergency bill (at least 10 times during first 3 months in office).
65. Unilaterally, increased the minimum wage for federal contract workers from $7.25 to $10.10, via executive order.
66. Cancelled all White House tours after sequestration—purportedly saving $18,000 per week—even though President Obama had spent more than $1 million in tax money to golf with Tiger Woods one weekend a few weeks before.
67. Adopted pro-union “ambush election” rules.
68. Pressured Ford to pull an anti-auto-bailout TV ad.
69. Actively, aided in George Zimmerman protests.
70. Tried to seize a privately owned motel when guests used illegal drugs at the motel.
71. Shut down the Amber Alert website, while keeping up Let’s Move website, during the partial government shutdown.
72. Gave supervised release to a convicted criminal (an alien here illegally) who later killed a nun in a DUI.
73. Shut down an Amish farm for selling fresh unpasteurized milk across state lines.
74. Spent $7 million per household in “stimulus funds” to connect a few Montana households to the Internet.
75. Spent $205,075 in “stimulus” funds to relocate a shrub that sells for $16.
76. Obama fired an inspector general after investigating an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant received by a nonprofit run by former NBA star and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson who was a shoo-in as mayor of Sacramento, California.
Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely:The White House protects their own.That's why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He's intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.
All Bull Crap (ABC) says it is not that easy to get fired by Obama?
Cites Jofi Joseph
Jofi Joseph, who was a White House national security aide, fired for posting insulting &^%^$%!messages about top officials and Obama administration policies under an anonymous Twitter account. The nonproliferation expert on the National Security Council was let go after it was discovered he was the author of the @natsecwonk Twitter feed, which became well-known inside the beltway for its snarky blasts about the Obama administration. Using an alias, Joseph took aim over two years at high-ranking administration players as well as Republicans, slamming their intellect and criticizing their appearance. He once reportedly tweeted, "'Has s****y staff.' #ObamaInThreeWords."
Shirley Sherrod, in July 2010, a Department of Agriculture employee, was fired after conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart edited video of a speech she gave to make her appear racist. In the video, Sherrod spoke about not helping a white farmer as much as she could have decades before. But the point of Sherrod's story, which was edited out by Breitbart, was that she regretted her actions. President Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack were forced to make public apologies for dismissing her without learning the whole story. "She deserves better than what happened last week when a bogus controversy based on selective and deceiving excerpts of a speech led her -- led to her forced resignation," President Obama said in a speech after he learned the truth. "Many are to blame, for the reaction and overreaction that followed these comments, including my own administration."
Yes, Si, Wee, Ja - Obama's historic, alright!
Topic: Law and Justice
• First POTUS to Violate the War Powers Act (Unilaterally Executing American Military Operations in Libya Without Informing Congress In the Required Time Period.
In December 2007, Obama told Charlie Savage, then of the Boston Globe that a POTUS "does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." (1)
• First POTUS to quadruple the number of warrantless wiretaps of U.S. Citizens (Source: ACLU)
The ACLU reported that the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) used “pen register” and “trap and trace” techniques 23,535 times in 2009 and 37,616 times in 2011.
A “pen register” captures outgoing data from a phone or email account while “trap and trace” captures incoming data.
During that same time period, the number of people whose telephones were the direct objects of pen register and trap and trace surveillance more than tripled. More people were subjected to pen register and trap and trace surveillance in the past two years than in the entire previous decade.
“The number of authorizations the Justice Department received to use these devices on individuals’ email and network data increased 361% between 2009 and 2011,” the ACLU stated. (2)
• First POTUS to Sign into Law a Bill That Permits the Government to "Hold Anyone Suspected of Being Associated With Terrorism Indefinitely, Without Any Form of Due Process. No Indictment. No Judge or Jury. No Evidence. No Trial. Just an Indefinite Jail Sentence".
(AKA totalitarian dismissal of Habeas Corpus which has been thought to even precede the Magna Carta of 1215 with a law legal system dating back to William in 1066. Since King James signed away the other kingly rights, King Obama and Congress have re-instated omnipotent authority against God-given rights.)
The latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) sports an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public, as reports Michael Hastings (RIP) of BuzzFeed.
The NDAA proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House in May of 2012 effectively nullifies the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations (PsyOps) aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. (3) Of course, liberal news like the New York Crimes has played fast and loose with the truth for YEARS, not just "running with the LIE that Michael Brown had his hands up" which was PROVEN by autopsy and the Grand Jury to be a LIE. This most likely led to the murder of two NY City police officers who had barely even heard of Ferguson, Missouri as they sat in their squad car.
• First POTUS to Refuse to Tell the Public What He Did For Eight (8) Hours After Being Informed That a U.S. Ambassador Was Facing Imminent Death During a Terror Attack.
Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, scolded President Barack Obama for what reports suggest was his hands-off approach to the ongoing crisis in Benghazi on the night of an attack on that city’s American consulate. Kristol stated,“I am willing to say that he did not behave as a President of the United States should have behaved that night”.
Billy Kristol stated that, while the United States ambassador to Libya was fighting for his life, reports presently indicate that Obama was relatively disengaged. “The people I know in the military and the agency think there was a failure of presidential leadership.”
Having been in danger himself as a homo, Obama may have,"Tsk, tsk"ed the whole thing.
• First POTUS to Have an Innocent Filmmaker Thrown in Jail After Lying About the Cause for a Deadly Attack on U.S. Diplomats, Using the Filmmaker as a Scapegoat
Nakoula Bassely Nakoula, the filmmaker who made the notorious anti-Islam movie "Innocence of Muslims" was arrested and jailed September 27, 2012 in California, as reported by AP. Nakoula Bassely Nakoula who is also known as (aka) Sam Bacile, made and allegedly uploaded the film which allegedly offended Obama greatly causing it to receive millions of hits via the apostate's publicity.
• First POTUS to Use the IRS to "Unfairly Target Political Enemies" as Well as pro-Catholic and pro-Jewish Groups (Source: Sen. )
• First POTUS to Unlawfully Seize Telephone Records of More than 100 Reporters to Intimidate and/or Bully Them (Source: Associated Press)
• First POTUS to Witness a Single Cabinet Secretary Commit Multiple Hatch Act Violations Without Acting, Speaking Out, Disciplining or Firing That Person (Source: New York Times)
••• First POTUS to Systematically Release Detained Illegal Aliens Charged With Homicide Into the U.S. Population (Source: USA Today)
••• First POTUS to Release 40,000 Illegal Aliens with Serious and/or Violent Criminal Records Inside the U.S. (Source: Judicial Watch)
••• First POTUS to Create Secret Police Units Inside Government Agencies to Block Lawful Investigations by Inspectors General (Source: Associated Press)
• First POTUS to Personally Lobby Senators to Violate Senate Rules and Destroy the Filibuster Through "The Nuclear Option" to Consolidate More Executive Power (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First POTUS to create his own propaganda news network and "bypass journalists ... [having] developed [his] own network of websites, social media and even created an online newscast to dispense favorable information and images" (Source: Associated Press)
• First POTUS to Barricade Open-Air Government Monuments During a Partial Government Shutdown (Source: Rep. Steve Stockman)
• First POTUS to Have His Attorney General Held in Criminal Contempt of Congress For His Efforts to Cover Up Operation Fast and Furious, That Killed Over 300 Individuals (Source: Politico)
• First POTUS to claim Executive Privilege to shield a sitting Attorney General from a Contempt of Congress finding for perjury and withholding evidence from lawful subpoenas (Source: Business Insider)
• First POTUS to Issue Unlawful "Recess-Appointments" Over a Long Weekend -- While the U.S. Senate Remained in Session (against the advice of his own Justice Department - Source: United States Court of Appeals)
• First POTUS to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case (Source: Gawker)
• First POTUS to "Order a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions" (Source: DHS documents uncovered by Judicial Watch)
• First POTUS to Sue States for Enforcing Voter ID Requirements, Which Were Previously Ruled Legal by the U.S. Supreme Court (Source: CNN)
• First POTUS to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places (the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case, Source: Investors Business Daily)
• First POTUS to Refuse to Comply With a House Oversight Committee Subpoena (Source: Heritage Foundation)
• First POTUS to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It (Defense of Marriage Act - Source: ABC News)
• First POTUS to Increase Surveillance of American Citizen Under the Patriot Act by 1,000 Percent in Four Years (Source: NBC News)
••• First POTUS to appoint a convicted cop killer's advocate to the Department of Justice (Source: Investor's Business Daily)
••• First Administration to Be Ruled by a Federal Judge as Aiding and Abetting Human Trafficking (Source: Federal District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen)
• First POTUS to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees (BP Oil Spill Relief Fund - Source: Fox News)
• First POTUS to Have a Law Signed By an 'Auto-pen' Without Being "Present" (Source: The New York Times)
• First POTUS to publicly announce an enemies list (consisting of his opponents campaign contributors; and to use the instrumentalities of government to punish those on the list - Source: Heritage Foundation)
• First POTUS to Attempt to Block Legally-Required 60-Day Layoff Notices by Government Contractors Due to His Own Cuts to Defense Spending -- Because The Notices Would Occur Before the Election. (Source: National Journal)
• First POTUS to Intentionally Disable Credit Card Security Measures (in order to allow over-the-limit donations, foreign contributions and other illegal fundraising measures - Source: Power Line)
• First POTUS to send 80 percent of a $16 billion program (green energy) to his campaign bundlers and contributors, leaving only 20% to those who did not contribute. (Source: Washington Examiner)
• First POTUS to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First POTUS to issue an Executive Order implementing a "Racial Justice System", a system that tries to achieve "racially equivalent outcomes" for crimes (Source: Daily Caller)
• First POTUS to Leak Confidential IRS Tax Records to Groups Aligned Politically With Him for Partisan Advantage (Source: The Hill Newspaper)
• First POTUS to Use the EPA to Punish Political Enemies and Reward Political Allies (Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute)
• First POTUS to Send Millions in Taxpayer Dollars to His Wife's Former Employer (Source: White House Dossier)
• First POTUS to Openly Use the Department of Justice to Intimidate Political Opponents and Threaten Companies to Donate to His Campaign (Source: Peter Schweizer, Extortion)
• First POTUS to Direct His Census Dept. to Make Up Favorable Employment Data In Run-Up to His Reelection Campaign (Source: New York Post)
• First POTUS to Have His Administration Fund an Organization Tied to the Cop-Killing Terrorist Group, the Weather Underground (Source: National Review)
••• First POTUS to have the EPA conduct hazardous experiments on the ill, infirm and elederly to push a radical environmental agenda, in a manner not dissimilar to the Third Reich's inhuman medical experiments (Source: The EPA Office of the Inspector General).
••• First POTUS to be Accused by His Own Party of Ordering the CIA to Spy on Congress (Source: Washington Post)
••• First POTUS to allow deadly Ebola disease-ridden patients to enter the U.S., refusing to restrict travel from infected countries like other Western allies (Source: New York Daily News)
••• First POTUS to order his EPA to unilaterally overturn a Federal Statute (changing the borders of Wyoming established by an act of Congress, Source: Casper Star-Tribune).
••• First POTUS to systematically delay enacting a wide variety of controversial rules until after a POTUSial election (Source: Washington Post)
••• First POTUS to have Politifact designate one of his statements "Lie of the Year" (Source: Politifact)
• First POTUS to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government (Source: Reuters)
• First POTUS to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat (Source: Christian Science Monitor)
• First POTUS to Move America Past the Dependency Tipping Point, In Which 51% of Households Now Pay No Income Taxes (Source: Center for Individual Freedom)
• First POTUS to Increase Food Stamp Spending By More Than 100% in Less Than Four Years (Source: Sen. Jeff Sessions)
• First POTUS to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs (Source: POTUS Obama during an early meeting of his 'Jobs Council')
• First POTUS to Threaten Insurance Companies After They Publicly Spoke out on How Obamacare Helped Cause their Rate Increases (Source: The Hill)
• First POTUS to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First POTUS to Propose Budgets So Unreasonable That Not a Single Representative From Either Party Would Cast a Vote in Favor (Sources: The Hill, Open Market)
• First POTUS Whose Economic Policies Have the Number of Americans on Disability Exceed the Population of New York (Source: CNS News)
• First POTUS to Sign a Law Requiring All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First POTUS to Sue States For Enforcing Immigration Laws Passed by Congress (Source: The Arizona Republic newspaper)
• First POTUS to See America Lose Its Status as the World's Largest Economy (Source: Peterson Institute)
• First POTUS to redistribute $26.5 billion of the taxpayers' funds to his union supporters in the UAW (Source: Heritage Foundation)
• First POTUS to Threaten an Auto Company (Ford) After It Publicly Mocked Bailouts of GM and Chrysler (Source: Detroit News)
• First POTUS to Run a Record 5 Straight Years of Deficits for the Disability Trust Fund (Source: CNS News)
• First POTUS to Attempt to Bully a Major Manufacturing Company Into Not Opening a Factory in a Right-to-Work State (Boeing's facility in South Carolina - Source: Wall Street Journal)
••• First POTUS Since 1872 to See the U.S. Economy Sink From 1st to 2nd Largest in the World (Source: Financial Times).
••• First POTUS to Conceal Food Stamp Data From Public Scrutiny (Source: Judicial Watch: "8th Circuit Says USDA Can’t Keep Hiding Food Stamp Data")
••• First POTUS to Leave the American Middle Class No Longer the World’s Richest (Source: The New York Times)
••• First POTUS to Retaliate Against a Rating Agency for Downgrading the United States Debt (Source: Investor's Business Daily)
••• First POTUS to Expand the Regulatory State to an Unprecedented Degree ("New record: Feds issued 56 regs for every new law, 3,659 in 2013", Source: Washington Examiner)
Energy Policy
• First POTUS to Endanger the Stability of the Electric Grid by Shutting Down Hundreds of Coal-Fired Plants Without Adequate Replacement Technologies (Source: National Electric Reliability Corporation - PDF)
• First POTUS to Have His EPA Repudiated by a Federal Judge for "Overstepping Its Powers" When They Attempted to Shut Down Coal Operations in Appalachia (Source: Huffington Post)
• First POTUS to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (Source: Politico)
National Security and World Affairs
• First POTUS to Lie Repeatedly to the American People About the Murder of a U.S. Ambassador and Three Other Diplomatic Personnel for Purely Political Reasons, Rewriting a "Talking Points" Memo No Fewer Than a Dozen Times to Avoid Referencing a Pre-Planned Terror Attack (Source: ABC News)
• First POTUS to Openly Defy a Congressional Order Not To Share Sensitive Nuclear Defense Secrets With the Russian Government (Sources: ABC News, Rep. Michael Turner)
• First POTUS to Leak Highly Classified Military and Intelligence Secrets to Hollywood In Order to Promote a Movie That Could Help His Reelection Campaign (Source: Judicial Watch)
• First POTUS to Renounce the Monroe Doctrine of National Security in the Western Hemisphere (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First Nobel Peace Prize Winner to State "I'm Really Good At Killing People" (Regarding His Drone Strikes) (Source: Business Insider)
• First POTUS to Snub the Vatican by Closing U.S. Embassy (Source: Washington Times, "Obama’s call to close Vatican embassy is ‘slap in the face’ to Roman Catholics")
••• First POTUS to Directly Violate the Law Regarding Prisoner Swaps with the Taliban, Bypassing Congressional Review (Source: The New York Times)
••• First POTUS to Invite a Leader of the Terrorist Group the Muslim Brotherhood to a Meeting in the White House (Source: Washington Free Beacon)
••• First POTUS to Out a CIA Station Chief in an Active Military Zone (Source: CBS News)
• First POTUS to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space (Sources: USA Today, ABC News)
• First POTUS to press for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty, Source: Investors Business Daily)
• First POTUS to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians (Sources: American Thinker, The Independent [UK])
• First POTUS to Insert Himself into White House Biographies of Past POTUSs (Source: The New York Times).
••• First POTUS to Secretly Party With Known Domestic Terrorists (Source: Gawker)
••• First POTUS to Complete 210 Rounds of Golf in Less Than Six Years in Office (Source: CBS News)
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc. and of course, those flying monkeys make their exit.
(5) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/10/state-department-denies-concluding-film-sparked-consulate-attack-in-libya/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnlRrxXv-v8 Rev. Wright being WRONG!!!
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